Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Using Unity to create a piece of code that deletes an object and replaces it with a different one

As I am looking into creating an environment that changes around the player, I have written two pieces of code that allow the player to change the colour of cylinder in front of them.

Although it looks simple, I have created a trigger that the player must walk through in order to activate this chain of events.

When the player walks through the cube in front of them, the green cylinder in front of them is infact destroyed by unity and replaced by a new red cylinder.

In doing this small task, I have taught myself a possible way of allowing the player to interact with their environment and make the object around them dissapear.

These peices of code (or something along these lines) is something that I would like to implement in my end project as I think it could be useful when I begin to explore the themes of isolation and deppresion.

About This Work

By Rachel Nixon
Email Rachel Nixon
Published On: 26/03/2018








studio 1