Theme: Play and Object
Corporated with Sean Zhang and Rui Sun
Burger Stop Motion Cooking
Fresh Guacamole by PES | Oscar Nominated Short
The thing that I like about these two videos is the filmmakers are using objects which are not food to be transformed into different objects or "food". That's the way they implemented 'play' in their art pieces. Stop motion animation is a good medium of making objects transform, transfer and change like they are doing magics. They linked all kinds of different objects that are not related, and that gave us mind-blowing images.
We were using paper, scissor, ketchup, clay etc as the objects and interacted with them then filmed the stop motion animation.
As we learned that many animation pieces were making good examples of 'play and objects' by making stop motion films. So three of us wanted to have a try. Our idea was, the character wants to make snacks, so he cuts the paper and sees what he can get from them. Then he gets a crayon, a leaf, even a fish, and finally, he gets fries. He also wants to have ketchup so he stabs the fish and plenty of ketchup come out of the fish's body. Finally, the character makes a cup of juice by hitting a ping pong ball on the cup.
It was a fun experience of making a stop motion film, it was also a challenge to brainstorm ideas about how to make things transfer to make it more interesting. We tested a few times in the beginning and tried to find out the best timing and performance.
By Qi Zhuang
Email Qi Zhuang
Published On: 18/09/2019