Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Materiality


“Every master knows that the material teaches the artist.” - Ilya Ehrenberg 

During this week I was straggling the ideas of ‘Light’ in my studio project, I want to understand and learn more about light. This week I decided to play with light, at the same time light also count as immaterial. 

‘WOW inc’ is a visual design studio based in Tokyo, Sendai and London, they have made a different kind of projects. I get inspired by one of their project that shows a great reflection with balloons ( I start to wonder if light could shine in bubbles or making light animation. They also make a small light animation ‘Emerge’ ( 

Qiannyu Found this ‘Freezelight Magic Forest’ ( by FREEZELIGHT.RU they have created a lot of light animation. They also used different colours of light to create different shapes and animations. 


I have corporate with Sophia, Si, Qianny, Jenny, Stark, Wayne. This project everyone will think one theme and help each other to create 7 small pieces of animations. My theme was fireworks, coz firework also is immaterial also bring joy for festival or any events. 


At the start, Si, Sophia, Jenny, Wayne and myself we went to Daiso search for Torches. Then I and Jenny went to building 9 to borrow the equipment and we start to do some testing with cello sheets with different colours of light. We also test with the smartphone, but torches gave clear and thinker lines. Also if turn on and turn off the light given clear dots shapes. While we start to capture the light, there were Possums gather around us and try to find foods. During the process, we have to use the light to get possums attention and we have played the light within the environment.  


In this exercise we have played and learned from the materiality, learn how to use torches to present the light animation. This exercise is helpful in my studio project, allows me to consider the luminous intensity. I should use the light a guide the audience towards the animation. Sometime immaterial can guide the player more than physical materials. 

About This Work

By Yung Yu Ho
Email Yung Yu Ho
Published On: 01/10/2019






minor work


2danimation, APD, Advanced Play Design, exercise, ideas, light