Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Context: In response to this week's theme "play and body", I made two illustrations combining daily necessities with animal bodies.

Method: First I picked out some animal body parts. I want to connect with human products without changing their shape. 1. I use unusual body parts of animals, like the neck of a giraffe, which is very long, like a straw. So I connected the neck of a giraffe with a straw and drew a cup of bubble tea with a giraffe's neck as a straw. 2. In addition, I chose octopus. An octopus looks a lot like a mop. Octopus suckers are also great for cleaning floors. I think of the Disney animation that uses flamingos as golf clubs. So I drew a mop made of an octopus.

Reflection: I was inspired by the poster designed by Thai designer Surachai Puthikulangkura and Polish designer Analog for the Robin Wood environmental group in Germany. They linked animal bodies to disaster and called on people to stop forest fires, stop deforestation. I think my approach can also be further changed to an illustration calling on people to protect the environment. I think my approach can also be further changed to an illustration calling on people to protect the environment. For example, Marine life is affected by garbage. It's possible to combine human trash with body parts of Marine life.


About This Work

By Xile Qiu Selene
Email Xile Qiu Selene
Published On: 30/10/2022