Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Play and Tinker

Context: This is one of my favorite video by Kevin Parry who is a stop motion animater. All of his work are really engaged. He is interested in explore many different objects, like food, furniture and so on.

Method: I use an app named stop motion studio on my phone to made a little stop motion animation. 

Response: I find two plugs in my bedroom. I imagined them as two different characters. And there is a conflict between them. I added some camera transitions to make the whole animation look interesting. I try to learn from the resources and try to make each frame look consistent.

Reflection: When I shot video, my device was probably not fixed. So every frame is not connected exactly. I should also pay attention to some creative ideas. At the same time, the processing of each frame should be smoother.

About This Work

By Sean Zhang
Email Sean Zhang
Published On: 11/08/2019