Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Object

The theme for the week3 is Play and Object. I focused on an A4 paper, and use the A4 paper as my Object, hoping to find joy in it. I ended up making a stop motion short film using origami A4 paper objects. The name of the short film is A4 Paper's Life, and this short film depicts the story of a piece of A4 paper being transformed into various forms, to me that piece of paper is like having a life.


The method I use is simply to focus all my attention on the A4 paper. Then use the observation method to observe the current state of the paper. While watching I also do random fiddling with the current A4 paper. I am looking for interesting changes in origami and changes in the paper. The paper was very new and flat at the beginning process, but in the end, it appeared with a lot of textures and folded textures. According to the appearance of its textures and the feeling it brought to me, I made changes to the paper in different states and recorded its appearance. And lastly, it ended up with some interesting stop motion animations.


The activity most related to Play is the process of observing and thinking about paper and origami. I get so much fun and inspiration every time I make changes to the paper. The textured paper gives me the feeling of ocean ripples, fire burning and light scattering. At the same time, it reminds me of my love for origami as a child. I still remember creating all kinds of spaceships and darts etc. And I used these crafted works to play activities with my childhood friends. I also reflected on why some wonderful origami works were created back then.


for reflection, I discovered the importance of observing and thinking about an object. The plainest A4 paper can also find the way of Play through thinking and observation, which brings fun to people. On the other hand, observing and thinking about some easily overlooked objects can make it easier to find some ideas and have fun. such as discarded and worn A4 paper, garbage and broken toys.

Link to Video:

About This Work

By Keyu Zhao Kory
Email Keyu Zhao Kory
Published On: 10/08/2022