Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Play and Objects- Week3


In response to the theme of " Play and Objects ", I made three particle tests with three different animals and colours. When it comes to objects, the idea of puzzles firstly comes into my mind, so I hope to achieve the effect of a puzzle by disintegrating objects. The models of animals fall apart into pieces with the generation of particles and lights that animal models falling apart as particles and light are generated can achieve more visual effects than just breaking the model. And if the video is rewinded, it also shows a characteristic of the puzzles.


I made the 3D animation based on my research on Week2 -Time. In week 2, I tried cell fracture effects. So this week, I tried a different approach to pursue a similar outcome, but could achieve more. I used the particle effect and modifier's explosion on the animal model, so that they can show the effect of fluttering in the wind. And use other parameters on the example launcher, so that it can automatically generate more particles to make the picture richer. Also, the colour changes with different animals. Although


In Week3, we learned about how objects can be developed in many playful ways beyond their common use. In class, Uyen showed us many examples of creative thinking and how can they be used in the work. My favourite piece is A.B.C. (Already Been Chewed) by Claire Carre. Which is a game about chewing gum played with a gum-covered controller while chewing gum.

Isaacs (1987) examined the importance of learning style and its impact

on creativity when she stated:

In some ways, creativity is as delicate as the very breath of life. It can be nurtured and expended, or starved and diminished. Thus understanding and applying findings from learning style study is as important for sustaining creativity as for stimulating academic achievement. (p.257). Thinking from some everyday objects can get unexpected results. For example, I originally hoped to use a puzzle as a prototype, but I found more possibilities in the process of non-stop practice. Broken objects and lights feel a lot like fireflies dancing in the air, so the direction of adjustment becomes how to accentuate this feature.


Although the subject 'object' is usually associated with real objects, I hope it can be more suitable for my studio project, so I still want to try to make virtual works. The Explosion effect is very helpful for my animations, because there are a lot of obstacles and dramatic effects like a flying ship travelling through space, all of which are accompanied by explosions. Future research on explosion and particle effects will focus more on the influence of different parameters on objects, so as to bring out more detailed animations in practical applications

About This Work

By Ashley (Chun-Yu Chen)
Email Ashley (Chun-Yu Chen)
Published On: 29/08/2022