Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Danchen showed me a film called "everything everywhere all at once" I saw an excerpt in which two static stones looked into the distance from the edge of the cliff and discussed life. This clip is serious and funny. Their dialogue is very profound, but the nomination is two stones. The dialogue between the two stones is matched with the environmentally sound, and the unique sense of tranquility reveals a wonderful sense of humor. We think this expression is very suitable for this stillness theme. We began to think about how to make a series of interesting dialogues between two static objects.


Danchen is responsible for finding some backgrounds. I am responsible for shooting some objects that will not move (such as houses, trees, big rocks, and some road signs). We randomly match the scene and objects, and then I use PS to synthesize the objects and scenes. Last we discuss the dialogue, and Danchen finally composes subtitles.


In the animation scene, the dialogue between inanimate objects is very common. However, animation techniques often shape life by endowing objects and characters with characteristics. However, in this film, the stone is the stone. Even the dialogue is silent. Around the two stones, the director expresses a lot through lens language.

This is my first time finding someone to cooperate with. The cooperation process is tacit and pleasant. Before the cooperation, we both had different ideas, and finally, we combined them. We try to make objects appear where they should not, such as traffic lights in the desert, electric boxes in the sea, and houses on tables. This wonderful conflict itself is already intriguing. Finally, we add dialogue to the objects and create some humorous still videos.

reference: 《Everything Everywhere All at Once》

About This Work

By Yuxin Liu (Robin)
Email Yuxin Liu (Robin)
Published On: 30/05/2022


APD week11