Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Stillness


This week I saw Mandelbrot set. This is a mathematical formula. But we don’t need to know what does that exact mean. I just find how that math can generate a exciting image, which means this iteration to repeat a process over and over again. 

Stillness seems to be a philosophical concept.

How the idea play with stillness comes out. As every time when I open a large image, the bad CPU would make the image load very slowly, and I was annoyed by waiting. For this reason, I got some inspiration about play and stillness. The general idea is that the player is exploring in an open environment, but each time when they moving through,image becomes blurred, and when they stop moving, the it becomes clear. With this idea, the player can experience how to stop and then discover the beautiful scenery.

This is a way I can generate a still image. So for the play , I think about how I can explore this image,  stillness can make player feel peaceful and clam. This practice allows player to feel relaxed while exploring the fractals image.

Mandelbrot set


I start from Unity to generate a beautiful image by Mandelbrot set. And make a controller for player that allow they can move and explore in this  iteration image.

Next step is add my idea that when moving image become blurred,stop become clear. But I don’t know how to type a code for this control. I’ll figure it out later. For this show case. I got a screen recording with Unity. And put this video to After Effect. And add a Blur effect for each time I move around. This is not a real control with blur. I just want to show what is my concept.


This is my first time use Unity with coding. I found a tutorial for making a controller. So that I can moving and zoom in/out in this Mandelbrot set image. In this process of exploration, we can find great fun and discover different shapes and patterns. The shapes created by mathematical code have strong rules, but can also create wonderful visual graphics.

During this exploration, whenever we stop, we can see a beautiful image on the screen. And then in the process of exploration, whenever we find beautiful images, we stop and look at them. We enjoy every time when we stop moving.


I also found some videos that use Mandelbrot set to generate in 3D environment. A lot of scenery in life is found when we stop walking. Through this exercise, I generated some ideas. As we move, the image becomes blurry, and as we stop moving, the image becomes clearer. Which means when a player wants to see a beautiful image, they have to stop moving, and the image slowly becomes clearer, which requires patience on the part of the player


About This Work

By Felix Guo
Email Felix Guo
Published On: 27/05/2020