Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Context: In response to this week's theme of "play and stillness," I used UE5 to make a scene that looked quiet and healing.

Method: First of all, I downloaded the model I needed on the Internet (because of the time problem, I could not build it by myself). Then I import the model into UE5. I adjusted the sky and atmosphere parameters and added aperture in UE5. Then I replaced the land with water and built an island in the middle.

Response: I was inspired by the shots of big trees in many movies. Like "Gone with the wind," "The lovely bones," and the big tree in "Up." The big tree scene in the movie always makes me feel very quiet. So I thought about a question, why does the tree give people a very quiet and healing feeling? Even big trees can become landscapes.Because the tree symbolizes time. The tree is still growing after many years of wind and rain. So in response to this week's theme, I used UE5 to build a scene about a big tree.


About This Work

By Xile Qiu Selene
Email Xile Qiu Selene
Published On: 30/10/2022