Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Nature

Week 10 is Play and nature. So I went out of the house to the natural environment far away from the city. I prepared a small glass jar to collect materials from my natural area in a jar. Eventually, I collected four-leaf clover, moss, pebbles, four-leaf clover, osmanthus flowers, dirt, small crabs and some burnt charcoal.


My idea is to think inside the natural environment and think about how to create a pleasant experience so that I treat the natural area as a shopping experience. And all the natural assets that can be obtained are free for participants. This is a purely natural environment entertainment experience far away from capital and society. Why is it a form of entertainment? The rules of this activity are very simple, that is to collect your favourite nature's assets that you stumble upon. In this activity, players can focus on one thing to collect. In the process of concentration, players will not realize that they have emptied their minds, and temporarily stop thinking about the pressure in their real life. The collected objects drive the player to walk around the natural area and explore it like an open world. Taken together, they can achieve the purpose of making people relax. So it forms a form of play.


The Related practice of collecting nature is somewhat similar to the combined experience of travel and collectibles. In the natural environment, players explore and walk with goals in the process of finding collectibles. Such behaviour can obtain the joy of tourism exploration. On the other hand, players can collect items, and collection allows players to gain a sense of accomplishment as a collector. Many games also have this setting. For example, in Nier's Automata, Zelda and Genshin Impact players can collect weapons and items to unlock achievements. This setting can satisfy the player's sense of achievement. This site records many interviews with collectors who bring joy to collecting things.

Link to the text interview:


My concern right now is that my collectibles die, I've caught a lot of crabs and four-leaf clovers. Many living collections require experience to maintain. If you are troubled with keeping animals and plants, you can choose to collect some inanimate objects. Such as good-looking branches, leaves, dirt and stones. On the other hand, I want to make more professional collection containers. A more aesthetically pleasing collection container would allow me to display them more aesthetically.

About This Work

By Keyu Zhao Kory
Email Keyu Zhao Kory
Published On: 10/10/2022