Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Play and Time

This task was done using Maya. A cube was modelled with transparent texture applied on the surface. In addition, each center of the 6 faces has a illuminated ‘core’, which was assigned a emissive light to enhance the reflection of the transparent - glass material. A global illumination with a HDRI was assigned as the background of the scene. Camera was rotated around the cube. Finally, this scene will be rendered.

Cycles Render HDRi Test Animation
This animation uses object reflection to observe the environment. This gives me an inspiration. What will it look like if I model a complex model and apply reflective texture on to it. Is it possible to create an abstract looking?

A rendered loop animation will be created to show the change as time goes. The material applied on the cube allows the viewer to observe the environment in another perspective. The illumination on the surface center adds multiple reflection on both internal and external of the cube, adding an abstract feel and thus makes this loop animation more interesting. As my studio project concept relates to abstraction, this kind of techniques - using reflection for presenting a scene instead of showing a scene directly to the audience, would be very helpful to achieve my target.

About This Work

By Ivan Lin
Email Ivan Lin
Published On: 13/09/2018