Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Time.


I played with the footage taken from a app on my phone because one of the problems that I've been having on my studio 2 project is that the real life footage is not relating well to the programs that I am using to animate. So I took some real life footage and tried to animate over it and I've played with the timing of a song to try to sync it to the animation. 


Using Sean Charmatz Doodle animation over real life objects to create stories

"Many animators have solved their internet and equipment problems by improvising"


This little animation helped me create a little experiment to see if the app was working with the frame rate and everything so I could animate over it, eventhought is not that strong relate to my work is still creates a expontaneous animation from the improvise animation of the movement of the hand. Even thought the sound wasnt that well sync to the animation is helping to begin thinking how I am going to work on the sound fro my studio 2 project and incroporate in my animation so its more cohesive.

About This Work

By Fabian Mora Marino
Email Fabian Mora Marino
Published On: 14/09/2018





