Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
In response to this theme, I made some sound design for witcher 3 game.
First of all, I turned off the sound of the game. Then I added the sounds in the game myself. For example, I added sounds such as running sound, walking sound, swimming sound or war sound to the game myself. In doing so, I matched the timing of the sounds to the game. I edited the video using Adobe Premiere. I made sounds for the character's every move by recording or using free voices on the internet. Then I added them on the movements of the character in the game with the right timing.
Sound is actually quite a complex subject. When preparing such sounds for movies or TV series, timing needs to be very smooth. In addition to this, the added sounds should be compatible with the current event.
The sounds used in TV series and movies have always intrigued me. I saw them while researching how they were made, and I added some of the sounds I made myself to use in the game. It was a great experience for me.

About This Work

By Cantug Sahiner James
Email Cantug Sahiner James
Published On: 08/10/2022