Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Hasbro Gaming - Product Demo - Twister This game came right up into my mind after this week theme had introduced. I am so in love with this game. It is very fun to play with friends and encourage body movement a lot. So I went to see if there anyone who makes this into digital and I found Hot Mess - Digital Twister with a twist! (Requires MakeyMakey). This has the same gameplay as I want to do but a bit different. Instead of colour, they use number and this limit users an ability to choose the colour position they want like real Twister game.

How To Make a Rhythm Game #1 - Hitting Notes

This video helps me a lot when I run into the dead-end on coding. It did not help anything about my gameplay or game appearance at all but apparently after I watched this video. It gave me a new idea on how should I code and it works.

Learn Unity while Making a Game - Memory Game Beginner Project - Code and Assets Link Description

My main gameplay is similar to this game so I take the idea of random cards in a certain number from the whole deck and random display on the game scene.


I am going to make a game by using Unity and using MakeyMakey as a controller for the game.


First, I listed what question or idea that popped up in my mind for this game in a mind map. Then jumped on Unity to create this game from scratch. I was confused about where to start at the first so I went to YouTube to find any exists tutorials or work to learn from. There's none. So I have to think about what core function from each game that has a similar function to what I am going to make. The first thing I did for this game is assigned each colour to each key on Makey Makey by coding. Then I am thinking about the gameplay, what has to be done next? and did it step by step to complete this game. I opted out most of coding explanation as I believe it is not necessary. Anyhow, the coding problems are majority part of my response is to fix the code that is not working.


I encountered so many problems in this week, most of the time is about coding because of my coding knowledge limitation. I have to change the method and do lots of research to accomplish successful scripts. For instance, I copied a flip card code from matching game but it wasn't random and because of a certain thing in code I have to adjust some code for it to work. Most of the code I scripted in this game, I grabbed it from many sources and patched it together. I am so proud that I can create this game from scratch and did not get help from anyone at all. I was going to add more function to this game but due to time limit and my knowledge this is all I can do but it has lots of potentials to develop further. This week gave me confidence in my coding skill and it kinds of forcing me to think step-by-step which I rarely did before.

About This Work

By Music Chaovarad
Email Music Chaovarad
Published On: 29/04/2020