Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Character and Events

I created 2 simple 2D animations using adobe flash and then began playing around with the layers and altering the event to create a new visual piece.

Inspired by Norman Mclaren’s (1968) Pas de Deux. 
He used exposures on motion picture to create sculptures and new visual images.

This week I created a piece that I may incorporate into my major project animation. One piece of idea I am trying to explore in my Studio work is finding new ways to represent actions that would otherwise be considered mundane on its own. This exercise and Mclaren’s work helped me discovery a cool new effect I could incorporate into my animation that will help me play with visual metaphors and representative imagery. 
After seeing Mclaren’s work, I wanted to see if I could recreate the theme in digital 2D animation. My keywords for APD were “exploration”, “experiment”, “context” and “making”.
After creating my animation, I began exploring what I could do with these ghost trails and motion blurs that would give the sequence a new visual representation. After I made the effect, I began pausing the animation during random moments to see if a still of the image could be a picture on its own.
Although I was unable to get a nice sculpture look like Mclaren’s work, each still of image was still able to represent that a motion was taking place like Giacomo Balla’s (1912) Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash.

About This Work

By JeeHoon Oh
Email JeeHoon Oh
Published On: 06/09/2018


background, play, context


animation, written


major work


APD, Advanced, Advanced Play Design, Week 7, APDW07