Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and force


When I saw this week's theme for the first time, I thought of a Chinese artist I know named Li Hongbo.

(Bio and Picture come from

He is a sculptor, he reshapes paper to make works. He "force" the paper into a sculpture, which is a playful place.


My first reaction is how to force the existing materials at home to make them deform. Because in Li Hongbo's work, he makes people think of solid to produce wonderful deformations, so I set my sights on solids-such as furniture. But the furniture can't really deform, so I used Affinity photo to cut out and structure them into different parts. Then use AE to make them exercise. I want them to be flexible, like a rubber band that can be pulled apart or bounced back, and finally added sound to increase playful.
(Sounds from


In the production process, I chose to shoot with a mobile phone and use the frame of the mobile phone to increase the authenticity, just like the shot. I think this choice is very effective.
Secondly, I constantly adjust the rhythm during the process of moving them in AE. This is the secret to make them look really deformed, and I repeatedly adjust them according to their materials and imagine their sounds. The final effect looks like It is vaild.
Finally, I think there are still some shortcomings in what I did. For example, when shooting, I couldn't achieve the same angle with my mobile phone, and the keying was not particularly accurate.

About This Work

By Georgina Gui
Email Georgina Gui
Published On: 16/09/2020