Play and Place
Pokemon GO
This AR game had inspired me to make a treasure hunting game on AR platform within my house during this quarantine period. I was thinking to make a game and play with my friends then see who can find the treasure first. However, I think it would not be interesting enough. Treasure hunting.. try to find treasure and what next? This still in my mind for many days before Agatha Christie novel came into my mind.
Agatha Christie - Detective novel series
I had read Agatha Christie novel when I was young and completely forget about her until now. The novel she wrote is very engaging and keep us the reader to guess all the time what next, what is the clue. I think since we are going to make a treasure hunting game why don't we create a story for it so it would be more interesting for player? Player would engage more if we have story for them to follow so I think it would be nice to create an immersive experience based on detective story.
I have to plan the story before create anything. Which object will carry which clue? Is this make sense or not? Then I take a picture from the real objects that I will be used for this project. The note for each clue are made by using Procreate by my hand-writing so it would look more realistic rather than computer text. All the element will be imported to Spark AR as it will be the main program I used for this work
Everything goes quite well in this project. I learnt how to make fixed target tracking from Youtube and tried to adjust a bit so it suited my work and purpose. The main problem here is when I tried to record a play testing as one go. The device testing doesn't allow me to play with all object at once if I haven't publish my work yet. So I have to find a way to do play testing with some hack. I have to create one object with note, send to my phone for play testing, delete that object and make the next one after one another. It needs to be one project as many project will result in I have to go out the camera and choose the project. It wouldn't be smooth play.
So in this way, you can see in my video that I have to slide at the bottom of the camera to choose version of that project to change between object that the camera will detect. However, the play testing with hack came out pretty good.
I am terrible at making clue for detective story so I didn't finish the whole story and left it like that. I think this project is quite fun and has potential for me to develop further during this quarantine. The main problem now is I have to read more of detective novel to research how they create the clue. Another option is create an immersive experience based on Argatha Christie novel. This project helps me a lot on exploring how to do object tracking for my Studio2 which save me a lot of time. Thanks APD
By Music Chaovarad
Email Music Chaovarad
Published On: 01/04/2020