Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity




Using the real photos and drawing the pictures with TV Paint and Photoshop. This time, I combined them and created different angles to show the same place..

I am transforming through pictures and paintings. At the same time, due to the different angles of the observation scene, the feeling for the perceived scene is constantly changing.


Photoshop, Tv Paint and the video ( take on me, offical music)


I related the week 1 theme, observed self, the place and recreate it. I looked at the environment and location around me from a first-person perspective. Through different angles of rotation, I also have different changes in the emotions of the place, so I added colour and shape changes in the practice to express the role of the place on the characters. Through practice at this time, I explored some different things from my studio project.

About This Work

By Peter Wan
Email Peter Wan
Published On: 16/08/2018


Studio 2, APD Week 4