Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Play and Materiality - The UI animation for information display in mobile apps

A short video will be shot using mobile phone. After Effects will be used for creating the UI animation and compositing.

AR apps are increasing popular today. Developers keep publishing creative AR apps. This exercise explores possible forms of AR app and ways to improve user experience. This TapMeasure offers measure function.

With the increasing image quality on mobile phone camera, AR apps are becoming popular. I have used a few object reconization / AR apps on my mobile phone, and I feel many of them run very slowly. Both iOS and Android ‘solve’ this problem by utilizing launch animation. The OS loads the app while user watch the animation. This makes user feel the apps load fast. This method could be used within the app as well. Two app animation will be made to demonstrate two different situation, which are, when less time is required for processing data and when more time is required. The concept of this idea is to explore how animation could improve user experience.

About This Work

By Ivan Lin
Email Ivan Lin
Published On: 09/08/2018