Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Tinkering


I wanted to experiment with 3D modelling and animation so I first created a basic apple in Maya then animated it to be dropped, bounce and then roll.


A 3D animated apple being tinkered with in Maya to do unexpected things.


Firstly I made the apple to roll and bounce as if it were dropped. However, after accidentally extruding a point it created a large spike in the apple. I then had an idea to have the apple to act in an unexpected way by purposley extruding and animating points on the apple's surface. I pulled points in and out of random places and placed key frames to animate the process. This resulted in the apple mutating and stretching in a strange and unfamilar way. 

About This Work

By Lily Harrison
Email Lily Harrison
Published On: 18/08/2018