Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Week 12 play and stillness 

In response to this theme, I make a 3D illustration 


When I start thinking with this topic, I look for some game and animation which which featuring this theme. I have played some games we talked about in the class, combined with my own game experience, this game will make a very vague goals, that make players need spend time to exploring, their game experience became slower and deeper. 
When people a see a illustration, they just looking a 2d image, this experience was transient.I want try to change that. So I make 3D illustration by mental canvas and procreate, and using the use the mental canvas’s function to make a short film. I want try to experience “illustration” more deeply through this method.

I spend some time to study how to use mental canvas and looking other people’s work, they just like make the picture like a pop-up book. Through this work, I think about how to give a static object or environment more possibilities and study new software. 


About This Work

By Yiran Pan
Email Yiran Pan
Published On: 31/05/2022