Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Play and Stillness

The animation was done in Maya. A scene with blocks is modelled. For the animation, camera was tied to the sphere. The sphere jumped from one end to the other end, with camera always facing to the front of the sphere. Pieces of sheet was added to the scene to enhance the sense of space.

Attack on Titan Season 3 - Levi and Kenny Chase
From 0:40 to 1:15, the camera is relatively ‘still’. The camera angle is fixed to the character. The audience is able to feel the tension and speed from the background movement. 

The core idea of this exercise is to explore the potential and possibility of stillness, or relative stillness. In my animation, the audience will see the character - sphere from a fixed camera angel. The sphere keeps jumping but the audience is not going to notice the jump action by just looking at the sphere because it stays in the center of the screen. The moving elements on the background provides the complementary visual information of the action thus the brain realize there is motion. This experiment gives me a new idea of what I could play with the relationship between camera and subject (lead object of the scene).

About This Work

By Ivan Lin
Email Ivan Lin
Published On: 28/09/2018