Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Play and Observation

Method: Observation is where we create a self portrait, make a peculiar or surprising observation of ourselves expressed in audio, text, and or visual form. In this exercise, I will create a self portrait drawing using geometric shapes on photoshop.

Context: Most of my artworks are inspired by Pablo Picasso. He creates child-like drawing. For this task I decided to create a self portrait just like one of his work.

Picasso creates his portraits as if he has painted on a mirror, shattered it and reassembled the fragments. He is responsible for founding the entire Cubist movement. Cubism is an art movement that changed forever the face of European painting and sculpture. Objects in cubism are broken up into pieces and re-arranged in an abstract form. 

Edit/Update:"Cubism became increasingly abstracted, colourful and “flat”. It became less about seeing the world and more about the play of form and colour." Cubist artists blurred the notions of appropriateness, and playfully experimented with convention. The use of proportion, line, colour, material, and subject matter were all played with, re-organized, and thus recreated according to the experimentation of the Cubist aesthetic."                                                   

Response/Reflection: (EDIT/UPDATE) I looked at many of his works and saw that he created a illusion drawing of a character looking front and looking sideways at the same time. Since I am not that good in drawing, I decided to play with geometric shapes. When I created the drawing I was happy and it looked like picasso's work.

This is very playful because alot of people can draw in the style of Pablo. We can draw our own faces and create geometric shapes. I saw a website "Pablo Picasso faces art lessons for children" In this article, we get to learn how Pablo painted faces and how he created cubism. This allows us to engage into this type of style and learn different techniques of drawing and the use of colors. Since the animation is on loop, its a repetition in time that is playing again and again. Audicences engage into the animation and they expect  to see something new but its the same thing again and again.                                                                                                                                                                                        

About This Work

By Taniya Ahuja
Email Taniya Ahuja
Published On: 03/08/2019