Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Play and Observation - Interactive Elements in UI design for the Public

A liquid animation will be generated using Maya Bifrost to simulate finger wiping on the surface of a tank of water.

Microsoft Gallery Lounge Interactive Experience
Some of the spots/museum/gallery has machine that offers people with information about introduction, guide and suggested route. But most of them are lacking interactive design thus making it boring and unattractive. In this video, the interactive design encourages visitors to engage with the devices. This could enhance visitors’ experience.

Initial ideas include making various interactive elements such as liquid, in-between animation of the interface and UX assisted by visual design. This theme aims to develop and test ideas that could improve user experience and attractiveness of UI. This small project also gives me the opportunity to practise liquid simulation plugin in Maya, which I might use in my Studio project.

About This Work

By Ivan Lin
Email Ivan Lin
Published On: 26/07/2018