Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Place


In modern videogames, the concept of changing camera effects per location has become a major concern, just like adaptive music per location. While in my studio project I have worked on adaptive music per location, I wanted to experiment with post processing effect per location.

While most of the First Person Shooter titles like Battlefield (developed by DICE, published by EA, 2018), etc, use extensively those post-processing effect changes to tell the player about their current character state (eg wounded), many poetic games such as Flower (developed by Thatgamecompany, published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2009) use those in a storytelling way, whereby the location and the theme of the current event affects the camera effects as well.

Where this work stands isn’t quite about the implementation of post-processing effects in order to achieve a visually pleasing environment, but rather the creation of a small system in charge of being able to blend between different camera effects over location.


I want to create a small prototype of a post-processing blending and swapper mechanic using Unity and several environmental assets. I will be setting up a scene with some basic level design, and focus on the transition system.


Attached is a video of the implementation of said system. While it isn't quite exciting or visually pleasing, it does transfer the idea I wanted to achieve, and works as a scalable and standalone mechanic which should be part of a collection.

The idea of the APD small projects was for each to make a small mechanic to stack, so that by each folio, it will look more and more complete; this achieves this objective.

As for the outcome of this work within the context, it is hard to tell its purpose since there is no setting, no story and no gameplay state; and is simply is a system. I do feel like this system should get combined with my Studio 1 Folio 1 with the adaptive music, so that the music change combined with the post-process change help convey more information.

For a future APD exercise, I may come back on that one.

No body allowed!

About This Work

By Hizi
Email Hizi
Published On: 19/08/2019








APD, APD Week 4, Advanced Play Design