Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity



For this week I created a stop-motion animation, which represents a station with the controller platform made by plasticine. There are several buttons with the circled forms and the arrow forms. The buttons with the circled form turn on and turn off the looping animations with different characters. Using the arrows the user can adjust the speed of looping animations but not all loops are adjustable, only blue and purple button combinations. 

The animation is the test and the example of the functions of the device. For instance, I showed how the blue arrow made the loop with the guy with mustache move slower.


The stop-motion animation was made my making photos of every movement followed by editing the shots. Looping effect was made by using software LumaFusion, by cutting are reversing particular parts. 

Also for this animation I added sound, firstly it is a looping electronic track, secondly its a sound effect, which appears together with the pressing on the buttons. As plasticine is a sticky viscous material interaction sound suppose to differ from realistic button sound. Thats why I used a sound from boots walking on the mud. I think it went really well.


As an inspiration I used theories of Brigid Costello from the book “Play and experience of interactive art”. With this project my focus was on audience engagement, exploration and using a play framework as a useful tool for design. The studies suggested three additional design strategies for evoking play experience within an interactive art context. First, to work with patterns and ambiguity to create a rhythm between rule-based play and improvisational play; second to use the relationship between action and representation to connect with the emotional and sensual memories of an audience; and finally, to use robustness and responsiveness to give an artwork a vital and playful character and make it an equal participant in the play experience. 


The project for this week is closed to interactive art work and represents the struggle against seriousness and efficiency. The user is able to explore the looping time by turning on looping plasticine animations. Also the user is able to control the speed of two of them, so it provides a feeling of being able to control the time. This device evoke a simple play experience, which helps to reduce anxiety and interact with the art. 

About This Work

By Yana Fidan
Email Yana Fidan
Published On: 17/08/2022