Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Play & self


This week was our first APD course, in which we mainly discussed and thought about the theme of play. I think the course of APD is different from what I imagined. It is more like an experimental course, in which we can explore the concept of "play" more creatively and expand its scope, not limited to the traditional animation production or animation industry process. Clear that this course is a bigger challenge for me, because I was at the university before the animation education was more of a work to do, which to some extent we need to ensure that the project can be implemented, so we might avoid risk, on the thinking of work is difficult to have the innovation, most of the time will be carried out in accordance with the rule of the narration of the story, so for me the APD course may bring me a new course experience.


For the theme of the first week, I referred to Play and Self, which Matt share with us in teams. It took me a long time to think about this topic because I didn't know where to start. However, I came out with this 'outfit matching' app which can be play on Mac, the software I use is called principle, and it is the first time I contact about UI design software, it's very convenient but it seems can only be used as a demo, its export format at the moment, I only see the Mac app.
The aim of the game is through different matching to find a suitable image of yourself. In the portrait painting, I just used self-portrait, my cat, favorite drink and favorite character.


I was very surprised by the final result, because it was the first time I came into contact with the field, so I saw more possibilities. In the future, I will try different U I designs with this software, hoping to learn more.



About This Work

By Rui Liu
Email Rui Liu
Published On: 06/03/2021