Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme - OBJECT

In response to the theme “object” I created a device, which provides an opportunity to construct your surreal environment. The device consists of a box with holes on the edges and cardboard pictures, which the user can move, turn and switch their places in terms of constructing unique composition inside of the box. This is the possibility for the user to locate, touch express their vision. 

Although pictures are already fixed, there will be 6 blank pieces of cardboard with markers attached to this device, so the user will be able to add their own details to the surreal world. This object is the instrument for playful behavior, which allows for building a balanced composition and developing fantasy.


I started from the sketches on paper, in the beginning, my idea was connected with the creation a monster in the same manner. But then I switched to the current idea with elements of the environment. I drew schematically how pictures can move inside the box and what panels can be. 

The next step was working with the cardboard. While drawing pictures I kept in mind that there should be a nice rhythm between the panels with drawings, that’s why all panels are different in format, orientation, and size.


 As my playful object is connected with a collage technique I read an article by Nicola Simmon “The Art of Thinking: using Collage to Simulate Scholary Work”. Nicola Simmon: “We show that the process of creating collages supported participants in making their tacit knowledge explicit, in reflecting in meta-cognitive levels, and in transforming their thinking.” Overall, the research showed that the collage is a playful activity that provided visual prompts to free participants’ thinking, helping them consolidate and conceptualize their ideas. Creating collages helped participants access previously hidden knowledge and create new understandings, and moved participants to meta-cognitive levels in their reflections.


Firstly, when I finished creating the object, I thought that this device can be used during the art classes with the kids. Perhaps due to the fact that I work as an art teacher, I thought that this playful device may help explain to the children the rules of constructing balanced compositions. 

Secondly, all compositions that I got while interacting with my surreal box were all the time quite balanced. I followed intuitionally my inner rules, for example, I didn’t turn diagonally big panels of cardboard. 

Then, something happened that forced me to look at the object with new eyes. My husband came to me a few days after I finished this artwork and asked what it means. I explained how the object works and he immediately began to move and rotate all cardboard panels with the words: “let’s make it more deconstructive”. He boldly moved and twisted the panels, shifting most of them to the right side and focusing on the one visual center. I was a bit confused since he is an engineer and he approached it more freely than I did. For some reason, it didn’t occur to me to break the balance, although it seemed like I was supposed to be a more creative person. I’m kidding, actually, I realized that there is no right or wrong choice in this task, creative or not creative, and vise versa the device provides an opportunity for everybody to express their unique vision, through the collage-play sometimes unpredictable.

About This Work

By Yana Fidan
Email Yana Fidan
Published On: 28/08/2022