Play & Forces:
Theme: Forces
When I think about this week's topic, I think about many forms of force. The first thing I think about is the relationship between wind and animation, but I once heard the teacher say that never use the idea that comes to mind the first time. Because this idea is often common and most people will think of it. So I began to think about forces other than wind and sound forces, which would not be thought of at first time.
That's gravity and people’s force. I've thought about different strange forces, people's jumping forces or biting forces. But I finally found that these strange forces belong to the same kind, that is people force. So I finally positioned my power directly as people force.
I try to use the existing materials to make a pinball maze to imitate the handle's feeling for objects of different masses. The objects have chopsticks, cardboard boxes, and hot melt glue. The materials for the small ball are beans, glass beads, and chocolate beans. People need to turn different handles to control the movement of the small balls. However, due to the material limitation, the final effect was not well presented dry.
An educational game for learning gravity theory is developed on iOS technology, called "Drop Donuts". The goal of this game is to feed a monster on the island at the bottom of the screen by dropping donuts. While the wind speed and direction keep changing all the time, a donut is dropped. Flowing leaves will be a hint to the players in the determination of the wind direction and speed. This will affect the donut in following away. This game is developed using a tool called "GameSalad". The result is an edutainment game that provides both fun and physics concepts. Furthermore, the wind simulation is implemented and deployed onto iPhone or iPad devices.
This also gave me great inspiration on how to interact with the forces in reality. How to change the wind power in this game into human power. How gravity interacts with people's force.
When I was playing Zelda Breath of the Wild, there was a level that inspired me a lot. This level requires people's force to control the handle to manipulate the movement of the ball in the maze. The gravity of the ball will break the balance of the floor, which requires people's force to control the balance. I think this level is very interesting, so I want to try the human strength to control different weight objects.
The function of the handle is becoming more and more perfect. A new generation of handles, such as Switch, has added a built-in gyroscope. With the help of a small handle, people can interact with gravity without getting up and moving. Inspired by this, I also designed a device that can realize an interesting game effect through the operation and gravity of players.
The results of the experiment are best controlled for medium objects. Different weights of objects have different handling feel.
This can be used in the game levels. For example, there is a family game --- Deranged Rabbits( on switch). I think we can add this kind of game to control the balance of the handle. Different items have different physics operations, and people's control of the handle needs to be changed. Finally, multiplayer can be played against each other. Competition who has better control of the handle.
By Yuxin Liu (Robin)
Email Yuxin Liu (Robin)
Published On: 04/04/2022