This is the flowchart of my animation which I will work on for my studio 2 project. The animation will have the plot shown in the flowchart. I plan to integrate the technologies included in the PDF in my animation.
Following are some of the futuristic technologies that I researched about and I am going to include in my project. I am planning to work on 3-4 of these.
I. Neuralink
Neuralink is an American company founded and developed be Elon Musk. This company develops implantable brain machine interfaces.
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2. Automated cars and flying cars
Automated cars are said to be our future. The cars we will have in the future are going to be self-driven.
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Flying cars will also be a reality soon in this world. There are many under development and are said to be ready in another 20 years.
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3. Artificially intelligent personal assistants and robots
PersonalA assistants:
4. 3d printed food
Artificial creation of food
5. Space tourism
Travelling to space for recreational purposes
By Samridhi Handa
Email Samridhi Handa
Published On: 13/08/2020