Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Week 8

Folio Progress Post.

Here is what I have been doing this week:

This week, just like last week I have been researching a lot about existing games in the industry, their developers, their concepts and the thoughts that they have while creating the game. I also read about what challenges one might face while designing and developing a game. Out of curiosity, I also learnt a bit about animation and researched about that. After completing my research, I have made a “Related Work Post” to the MAGI website and included three of my favourite works this week in that post.

Also, I have continued my learning path in Unity. I have been learning more about unity each day. I have been watching tutorials on Unity learn and trying to make the full use of the resource In order to enhance my work.

I have moved towards the start production of my Folio work. I have researched references for models. I also researched about real life environments to draw inspiration of what I want to create in the software. This week, I have planned the content, concept, synopses, layout, design, a game flowchart and production schedule of my work so that my work takes place in an ordered and organised manner. The above mentioned works have been attached to this post. In a nutshell, I have planned, researched, gathered and compiled everything this week that I need for my folio.

Here is the impact of feedback and research that I felt happened over this week:

Over the previous week, I have been researching more broadly. As I have moved forward towards my folio production, I have refined my research. I have studied about more specific topics. I also studied about animation, just out of curiosity. But overall, my focus has been on the specific research that I require to do for the actual game. I have also received feedback from my mentors and peers regarding the work I am already doing and that has been really helpful in enhancing my work and making it better each day. I have been consulting regularly with my mentors and that is the most helpful thing as it always brings clarity and I can make sure that I am heading in the right direction by doing so.

What I am going to do next week:

Start: Next week, I am only going to work with my models, the overall layout, materials and the environment. I am going to start with a few environments, work on them and then start creating new environments.

Stop: I am going to stop with the development work by next week as I have been doing a lot of development work for folio 2 now. Also, my research is for the project and references is now complete and everything has been laid out properly and I have created the path for myself, so I will be stopping with the development work and jumping straight to the production work.

Continue: Next week, I plan to continue with my research and I am going to constantly seek feedback from my peers and mentors about the work I am currently engaged in. As feedback and research are one of the key elements of any project.

About This Work

By Samridhi Handa
Email Samridhi Handa
Published On: 06/05/2020