Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

The topic of this week is Dialogue and Sound.  This week we watched videos on the importance of sound and dialogue in class. Theme from Psycho especially caught my attention because we can understand that a bad event with tension has taken place even by hearing that sound without seeing the scene. If this sound had not been in that scene, the tension of the scene would not have been so high.

Based on what I learned in this lesson, I used the premiese(story) that I came up with, "The man rushed into the girl's room.  The girl began to play the harp as soon as she saw him.  Whenever the girl stopped playing the harp, he asked a question and then the girl played the harp with different melodies in response.". When the female character in the story speaks, people hear her speech as a melody. Instead of words, musical melodies are heard from her mouth. Even if people don't fully understand what the girl is trying to say, they can very well understand the girl's feelings. Because even if you don't understand the words of the music you listen to, it can cause you to feel emotions. Actually, in this story, I wanted to go over the fact that people can communicate through emotions even if they don't understand each other. Even people who speak different languages ​​can meet on the same common feelings. In other words, understanding the person in front of you is actually not as difficult as it seems.

Pinepoint interactive documentary really impressed me. It was such a nice experience to have Documentary interactive like this. Reinforcing memories in this way with ambient sounds and narration was something I hadn't seen before. It was great to have an interactive experience on top of all that. It was as if we were walking inside a person's mind. I also understood the importance of atmosphere sounds in storytelling.The work I did this week was linked to that documentery. I wanted to reinforce the story I gave in my premise with sounds. I tried to create that scene in my premise with the background sounds.

Link to my work:

Sounds that i used;

About This Work

By Cantug Sahiner James
Email Cantug Sahiner James
Published On: 21/04/2022