Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Weekly Exercise:
Choose a premise from the weekly Wiki. Use your premise as at the ENDING point or RESOLUTION of your story. A resolution ties up the threads of your narrative, answering the ‘what ifs’ posed in the storytelling.

Our premise: “ He washed the blood from his hands and stepped off the roller-coaster

This week our group has created a story for the premise –“He washed the blood from his hands and stepped off the roller-coaster”.

We use it as the ending point or a resolution of our story. Our character is a man who is starving. He is looking for food while he wants to play roller coaster. The story is as below:

A hungry man goes into a carnival. He wants to eat a hotdog. However, he sees the lines for the roller coaster are short. Therefore he lines up for a ride. He starts to salivate as the ride starts. his spit hitting the faces of the people behind him. The man next to him is eating a hotdog. He gets angrier as more people are eating hotdogs. When the train enters a dark tunnel, he flies into a rage. He starts to bite everyone. He washed the blood from his hands and stepped off the roller-coaster.

About This Work

By Chow Vian Wing Yan
Email Chow Vian Wing Yan
Published On: 03/04/2021




#Animated Narratives Week 3, Animated Narratives