Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

I revisited and rethink about my folio 1 concept and story. Throughout week 1 to week 5, I created a story about a mother-god creating two individuals and tasks them to find a cube, which then we realise that it was just a dream about a little kid and his sibling. My intention was never to actually make it as a dream.

This week, I deconstruct what I have made and learned and try to rethink what I can change and scrap from the previous story and concept. I list down everything that is necessary and unnecessary for the film. I made bullet points of the questions that were asked for me regarding my previous weekly posts, such as, what do I want to tell in this story, Is blood and gore necessary, Why do I want to tell this story, who are the two characters? As I further deconstruct it, I believe that I will find the answer from this bullet point to scrap and rework the points to create an improved story.

These are the bullet points I thought of:

  • Do we need the mother scene or even the character itself?
  • The cube. What exactly is it about?
  • WHY do I want to tell this story?
  • What exactly is the whole story about?
  • Is it just about two people fighting with each other?
  • Blood and gore, is it even necessary?

These are the bullet points I though soon, realising about the story of siblings:

  • If the story is about 2 siblings, WHY NOT JUST FOCUS ON IT?
  • How do you plan to incorporate the story of two siblings to the story of the two adventurers?
  • I think I need to rework the character backgrounds to further understand the story that I wanted to tell.

About This Work

By Alvin Khoe
Email Alvin Khoe
Published On: 27/05/2020


Animated Narratives, AN Week 6, AN Folio 2