Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week I explored a narrative concept for a video game prototype where the player communicates with an AI program. I was interested in exploring how we can create an unsettling or hostile feeling through text and how powerful evocative imagery can be at conveying a sense of dread.

I feel a game is a good fit for this story as I feel it's easier to establish a direct relationship between the audience and the AI, compounding the sense of trepidation and uneasiness during your conversations. Games also affords the opportunity to react to their audience in surprising ways, affording the interactions more integrity and legitimacy.

This work is inspired by ‘I AM NOT WHAT REMAINS’ by ompu co (, whose work creates a sense of unease and dread. This work in particular uses randomly generated text yet the tone is still conveyed through the selection of words and the struggle to express them coherently.

I’ve found over the past few weeks that I tend to gravitate towards strong imagery and mood as the basis of storytelling. I feel I am less interested in story plot and more interested in the prospect of sensationalising moments, where narrative provides an evocative framework to engage an audience in a moment.


About This Work

By Duncan Corrigan
Email Duncan Corrigan
Published On: 06/08/2021








Animated Narratives, Animated Narratives Week 3