The main work in week 11 is about AI and animation controls of zombie character. I downloaded models and animations for my zombie character from unity assets store.
I have an idle, a move, an attack and a die animation for zombie in my project. Each of the animations were edited in unity to create animation clips. I made a state machine to set up these clips and wrote scripts to control animations to play by different conditions. The idle animation is active when player is far away from a zombie. Once the distance between player and a zombie is close enough, the zombie is moving to player and play attack animation when player is in its attack range.
Navmesh is the technology that I have develop AI for zombie character. Basically, I have setting all the walkable ground at a same layer and use navmesh to make zombie automatically move to a specific position on this layer. So, when player is moving on this ground layer, my zombie character can always find a shortest path to player’s position.
I learnt these technologies from tutorials online and build my own AI in this project.
Unity NavMesh Tutorial - Basics - YouTube
Unity NavMesh Tutorial - Making it Dynamic - YouTube
There is no new object that been produced in week 12 but I have adjusted visual effects, adjusted location of bullets and zombies to finish the interactive scene, tested gameplay and fixed bugs for my folio 2 project.
Gameplay Demo:
By Ang Li (Leon)
Email Ang Li (Leon)
Published On: 01/06/2021