Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


This work shows a general idea about the story based on the bullet points that I created before.

Using the story thumbnail, I can generate expected layouts and scenes and show a sense of light effects by shading or labelling using pen freely. Story thumbnail is a good tool for the preparation of animation since it’s quick to make.

This work is similar to the work of Sue Nichols, whose story thumbnail is rough but help get ready before boarding out the story sequence. (

By watching videos in class and reading Dynamic Lighting for Tension in Games by Magy, Simon, Igor, Priya, Joseph, I understand lighting is set up to convey dramatic, attractive and emotional effects. Projecting angles is also important for expressions. In my work, I applied out glowing to show the witch’s power and top light to show a dramatic feeling. And highlighted the protagonist when she is targeted.

About This Work

By Yunjia Jiang (Irene)
Email Yunjia Jiang (Irene)
Published On: 06/10/2021