Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


The theme of this week’s lecture is PREMISE, we looked into how to write a premise and how it can be developed into a story. During the collaborative exercise, we brainstormed together and discussed how we can use metaphors in simple setups and how they can be polished into an interesting story.


Weekly Response

In response to this week’s lecture, I came up with this premise:

  • A fish is swimming in a bathtub trapped, his world is spinning and he thought he’s gonna die alone so he jumped out. The bathtub was actually floating and spinning in a giant whirlpool and he regretted it, but he can never get back into that bathtub.

Meaning: Sometimes we cannot see the outside world and we feel trapped and anxious, but as you experience more stuff, more problems with come to you, and the previous problems might become a comfort zone. The fact is there is no way back to the past makes this crucial.

About This Work

By Ruilin Niu Wilson
Email Ruilin Niu Wilson
Published On: 08/03/2022