Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

•A duck which named Lucas wants to make friends with a bird, but he fails because they speak different languages.

This storyboard I created is based on the photographs I took, one day when I reviewed my photographs I noticed that it was so interesting between these animals, how about add some facial expressions and dialogues to make them become funny and lively?

This is a short story between ducks and birds, the protagonist is a duck named Lucas, which is a French duck,  he wants to make friends with the bird,  but he finds that he can not understand what the bird is talking about. The setting of this protagonist is closer to a child, so his speaking style and tone are very childish which makes this character cute and adorable.

As for shaping the characters on appearance, I add some interesting props such as a yellow hat on the bird’s head and a sunglasses on another duck’s face. It also can help with distinguishing the age of characters. 

In this work, dialogue, facial expression and montage play important roles in story-telling, cartoon style’s facial expression make the character more alive, dialogue combines characters with plot, and montage concatenates the pictures to form the plot, different montage combinations will convey different messages to the audience.

This work is a practice on using dialogue to establish the connections of characters, there is an animation film reference called The Big Bad Fox, which is a French comedy style animation, it tells a series of interesting stories among a large group of animals and obviously the main character is the fox. Instead of focusing more on expressing characters’ behavior, the dialogue among characters play a vital role in this film to help with shaping the characters.

About This Work

By Sher Zhang
Email Sher Zhang
Published On: 01/09/2020