Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In this week, we focus on the theme of story structure, Plot, shapes of stories. Based on that I picked a idea of the WIKI premises from Oneeb Bin Nauman “A heavily abused slave wishes to become a lord.” And based on the premise, I did a character design and show about his story. I focused on the salve character, and briefly mentioned about the lord. Some simple drawings to show their relationships.

From the premises, I designed a simple story: A child who was raised by a wolf since he was young, he does not speak human language. In an accident, the child was caught by a hunter, and then he was sold to the slave traders, and finally he was sold to the royal as one of the slaves. The kid of the royal didn’t like him, she beat him and scolded him. While the wolf child is always waiting for a way to do a counterattack.

As I designed the character, I picked three key words: suffered, rebellious and indifferent. For the first one, the salve has many scars, even a big scar cross through the whole face. The other two points are focused on his attitude.

This character design and the story was getting idea from the Japanese film Mononoke Hime (Miyazaki 1997).

For the group work during class, our group chose the premise: An ice blocks is in love with a candle by Amy. To consider about the premise, we simply identify about the main character and their relationship, in that foundation to build the story.


-Ice block



The ice block want to get close to the candle. They want to date together but the temporary is not allowed. The ice block will melt and the candle will go out. And the ice block may die because of the candle's warm.


About This Work

By Meg Gong
Email Meg Gong
Published On: 15/04/2021