Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week I mainly studied shaping stories ways of working. We created different stories in our group. And we draw the mind map, iterate and improve it.

This week, I chose "elephant with flowers on my head" as the theme to create. Because I think such a concrete image will make it easier for people to think about why there are flowers on its head, how flowers grow, what flowers are used for, and so on. I think this story is easy to iterate and improve.

In my story, I hope to complete a story through iteration and explain some truth: "when you judge a thing on the surface, you tend to ignore the essence. The shortcomings you think may not be shortcomings, but your unique beauty. Having endless beauty is integrity." I change the plot and content through iteration to make it more in line with the idea I want to express.

  • Mind map at the beginning (in the following files)

  • Later I added some plots and explanations

Why do flowers keep growing?
Whenever she feels sad, a flower grows on her head
But she will be sad because of many things. For example, she has no fruit to eat today
Another example is that she is always not very sociable, because her appearance is different from everyone else

  • Who: An elephant.
  • What: At first she was confused because everyone would reject her because of her unusual appearance. She wanted to fit in.
  • What's: When she feels sad, there will be more flowers on her head.
  • How: At first this goal was impossible because she always felt sad. Later she would secretly place flowers at people's funerals. Then everyone realized that the flower was beautiful, and so was she.
  • Don't judge a book by its cover. What you consider a weakness can sometimes be a strength

Interest is the source of attraction for a game or a story. Jesse Schell (2005) believes that it is very important to combine the fun of the story with the game. So what is fun? She explained that this includes inbound interest, poetry of presentation and psychological proximity. In short, she believes that in addition to the interesting nature of the story itself, it also needs to have a certain aesthetic significance and awaken people's empathy. Such stories can be more infectious and give people a sense of substitution.

By reading Jesse Schell (2005), understanding Entertainment: story and game play are one, I think my story still lacks some appeal, that is, the current state of the story is not enough to explain the truth I want to express. So I adapted its plot and ending.

  • This is my final story

Anne has been different from everyone since she was born. When she was born, there was a beautiful flower on her head. Her parents looked at her and they thought she was so cute. As Anne grows up, the flowers on her head will keep growing, like a hat. But how can an elephant wear a hat? So different, she always walks at the end of the herd. She thinks she is very ugly. She always secretly picks off the flowers on her head at night and throws them into the water, but after a day, the number of flowers always grows more than before. She looked at the moon and thought, when can she be like everyone? With her mother's death, she became more sad. There are more flowers on her head. She found that these flowers grow with sadness.

She walked through the elephants, picked the flowers on her head and put them on her mother's body.

The elephants in the elephant herd have really examined and observed the child. It turns out that flowers are such a beautiful thing. Similarly, Anne is such a beautiful elephant. It's just that she's an elephant with a garland. She's special and beautiful.


About This Work

By Lu Zhang Luna
Email Lu Zhang Luna
Published On: 18/03/2022


Animated Narratives