Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

by Xile Qiu (Celine)


The theme of this lesson is narrative. We chose students' inspiration in class as the end of the story. Think back to the plot. One of my favorite videos in recommended reading: Chuck Jones-The Evolution of an Artist : 

The video explains the classic inversion structure in two parts: 1. Introduce your hypothesis and 2. Prove it wrong. But what really sets a film apart is the amount of work that goes into the characters. For example, each role has very specific needs. The simpler the desire, the more vivid the character. So we should think about what the character wants when we design it. For example, Bunny is a rabbit who doesn't want to fight. But when provoked, they fight back. Anger is a very important part of this story. Otherwise, the character becomes an unreasonable thug. Through this, I designed the reason for the resurrection of the bear toy in my story. Because of what the man did to the bear, and then the man tried to do to his wife and child. At this time the bear was enraged to life, he stood up to protect them. Then, the video says we have to think about how certain characters will move. Because every movement depends on the change of heart. The story should be told by the way it moves. And set challenges and limits for your story. Because animation allows us to do everything, we have to think about what we don't do. For example, I designed a character without mouth or face, so I made the character look like a wine glass and no dialogue.

Story line:

  • A man who failed at his job was drinking

  • The drunk man stood up trembling and looked into the child's room

  • The children were surrounded by toy bears,

  • The man thought of the bear he had bought with money from work. He picked up the bear and tore it up.

  • The child sat on the ground and wept at the torn bear

  • The mother came to help the child sew the bear

  • The man came into the child's room again. The mother protected the child

  • At this time the bear are enraged, they come to life pick up a needle and thread to protect mother and child

In the class, my idea is: "An alcoholic father goes home and scolds his wife for failing at work. After her husband fell asleep, the wife scolded the child for doing his homework. The child took out his anger on the teddy bear." Through Kate's feedback “The bear is beaten up instead of the family, the father takes his rage out on the bear. If the bear leaves, the family will be the target of the rage. The bear has to decide to stay and protect the family or LEAVE an be free and safe. This scenario parallels strongly the experiences of family members protecting each other in a domestic violence sitaution.” And what you read after class. So I reimagined the story.

About This Work

By Xile Qiu Selene
Email Xile Qiu Selene
Published On: 29/03/2022