Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This work was focus on create the character and how to show their personality. 
So I began with the premise wiki, and think about this conversation will going to happen in which scenario.

premise wiki: “Oh no, She quit her job!”
The boy :sign of ”no passing”
The boy: signs of “trouble ahead”

Location: a remote street, less person will passing here.

bullet point of the event:

1.Their job was be the warning board in a remote street. 

2.The“trouble ahead” boy love this job, every day was interesting,everyday he will Stop at the intersection and say “good morning” with the girl ”no passing”.

3.One day, when the boy “trouble ahead” go on duty He found it was another person become his workmate. so he said “Oh no, She quit her job!” with this new “no passing boy”

4.The girl quit her job.

5.The girl think this job was boring.

6.The Boy hope she stay here. 

7.The boy had secret love to the girl.

bullet point of the character and the world:

1.The boy :sign of ”no passing”, he is a new worker.

2. The boy: signs of “trouble ahead”, he is good for entertaining himself. A funny boy.

3. These character was not human, every day, their mind will enter the object, and that was their job. Everyday they need perform their function as this object. Also in this world, the warning board was a kind of job. These two character, their job was the warning board, and they are the workmate in same street. 


This idea was reference to the “IKEA Lamp Spike Jonze”(

), this video us lamp’s view and experience to tell whole story. Similar narrative exist in the work “slow wave”( 

Reflection: through this work, I study with  “EA Lamp Spike Jonze”( this work’s shooting angle will give me a illusion, that is I am the lamp, and I experience this event. I got the idea from this point. If everything(like lamp) was a kind of job, they will to and from work each day. So based on this point, I start thinking about the character  

About This Work

By Yiran Pan
Email Yiran Pan
Published On: 19/08/2021