Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Work: Mindmap

This work explores ideas of how light can influence the intention of a satirical or terrifying animation. For this exercise, I was looking to connect AN to Studio 1 for a possible concept that was ultimately rejected.

By exploring from a storyline and lighting perspective, I wanted to find an effective way to satirize the 3D animated loops and create emotions contrary to relaxation: it could be laughter or terror. By analysing different narrative paths and multiple forms of lighting manipulation, I discovered that the use of lights of different intensities and shades can impact the context of a video, creating different atmospheres together with the help of other elements like sound and movement. In addition, the position and size of the lights play a vital part in generating the desired effect.

Regarding a humorous perspective, the development result could be similar to the work of the artist Matt Chiama, whose video series titled "F * CK" mocks the concept of relaxing loop, creating virtually identical structures, with the same textures and illuminations but with unexpected ends that break with the aesthetics or operation of the video. It is important to emphasize that in this case, where the video begins as any relaxing loop but ends with a dysfunctional situation, the aesthetic imitation is a key point to surprise the user after they think that it is a video like any other.

As for a mystery and terror approach, the resulting project could be similar to the one presented by Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro in their unreleased project P.T. Silent Hills. The idea of ​​the resulting project would not be to use anthropomorphic characters or real locations, but the use of resources such as the absence of light, contrasting colors like a red light that generates despair, among others; It can generate a feeling of exploration but always with alertness.



About This Work

By Juan Felipe Cadena Parra
Email Juan Felipe Cadena Parra
Published On: 12/06/2020