Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


I tried to use a picture of an object as a target and scan the real object by the AR camera to trigger shadow because only 1 target could be set if I use a 3D object as target. Using a 2D target for 3D object works but it unstable and need a long time to recognize the object and trigger the shadow. 

2D picture trigger for 3d object AR test in Unity: 

So far, I don't think AR is suited for the shadow project because:

1. AR takes a longer time to recognize targets and trigger shadows.

2. Shadow will be rotated and not stable when I move the targets.

3. Only 1 target could be set if I use a 3D object as a target.

In addition, came up with another idea which is more related to real industry: Interactive background in fitting room

(Nike example:


Tried to track objects by color tracking in order to allow viewers to arrange objects by themselves.

Use different colors definite different objects, and trigger shadows for different objects by color tracking.

The camera could recognize colors very fast so shadows will show immediately when objects are put in front of the camera.

Object tracking(color tracking) test in Processing 2:

In test 2 I made the camera view disabled, so only shadows show on the screen.

The advantage of color tracking:

1. Could track more than one color/object.

2. Camera could recognize colors immediately.

3. More stable than using 3D object's picture(2D) as a target  in Unity

About This Work

By Qiannyu Ma
Email Qiannyu Ma
Published On: 03/07/2019