Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Today I talk to Chris about my work, and he gives me some resources to study how to make the visual direction like the moodboard I found before. In addition, I read a technology analysis,  After talking to Chris, I continued to study unity. Then I talk to Henry, he recommended I draw the draft assets before I start to make the pixel loop. 

Today I watched some city scope to find inspiration about my work.

At last of today, I draw a draft of my work. the concept comes from an illustration I drew before. There is a girl stay in her room with the dark light, the overall feeling of this draft is rather decadent, I will animatic the girl perform a back-and-forth swing in the chair.  the light out of the window will bright and I give this loop a name 'boring evening'

About This Work

By Dano Li
Email Dano Li
Published On: 02/07/2020