Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Progress Video:

General Progress

x Made progress on the script 5%

 xNeed to figure out how to get an an animation to play on mouseover

x Canvas ‘Scale with screen size’ to fix image disappearing when resolution changes issue

Bolt Progress

xFigure out transform set local scale (+other transform commands)

To Do List

o Write full script 5%

o Redo placeholders according to colour scheme 10%

o Dialog Box

o Particle System? Or animation?

Scene Progress

Start Scene

Main Scene

Imported New Placeholders (lotus elements, lake, sun, clouds)

Ana Scene

Imported New Placeholder Layers

Parallax effect on layers

Eye blink animation

#kaykay #kkstudio2wk3

About This Work

By Kay
Email Kay
Published On: 18/08/2020