Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Martin Naumann

Martin Naumann is a Germany-based digital artist and graphic designer. I stumbled upon with his profile by searching for some inspiration in Behance and got stunned by his work, which explores and plays with colour palettes that include more than two or three colour variations in perfect harmony, thanks to the application of light phenomena like refraction, reflection, chromatic aberrations, among others. The use of this optical effects enables his work to present natural and pleasant colour variations that does not make it feel saturated and it also works really well with different types of illumination. The above also allows him to play with materials and fluids that usually present this kind of aberrations in a natural form, like bubbles and glass or metal-type materials.

His exploration has enabled him to create a really unique and distinctive work. I would like to explore more about this type of work and its contribution to my practice.

Martin Naumann Behance portfolio:


LAUNDRY is a USA-based agency that works in many creative fields. Delving into the field of my interest, they have an impressive array of 3D projects which include a lot of styles and techniques, with an interesting collection of exploratory projects that gives them an opportunity to try new ways of experimentation with light, materials, shapes or the combination of all of them.

What most caught my attention was their exploration of fluids and objects that are usually rigid with soft body physics, giving them a lot of possibilities to transmit to the spectator a sense of stillness and motion in the same piece. Additionally, the use of multiple light sources and reflections contribute to a really pleasant aesthetic.

LAUNDRY’s Behance portfolio:

About This Work

By Juan Felipe Cadena Parra
Email Juan Felipe Cadena Parra
Published On: 26/04/2020


AGI Studio 1, studio 1