Run is a 2D Short Animated Film made by Curie Lu when she was a Sophomore at High School, as an animated film for CAP Hollywood. The story depicts 2 kids growing up with dreams only to have their wings cut out by scissor wielding dark bunnies of an educational establishment, ending with their deaths.
The entire short is a metaphor for how the school system takes away kids’ creativity and potential, forcing them to conform into boxes of required subjects. To quote Sir Ken Robinson in his TED Talk “We don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather we get educated out of it”. Creativity is as important as literacy and we should afford it the same status”.
This is an animation that has a lot of personal meaning and nostalgia for me because it resonated with me as an artist. It’s one of the works that motivated me to pursue animation, because the creator was around the same age as me(15 years old) at the time she made this. She has since made more stunning animations which I’ll add to future Related Works~
Where No One Goes is an Animatic/Storyboard by Michelle Lamset illustrating her personal growth and an artist and a person, in the summer before she went to CalArts. One especially striking moment in the video is when the current grown up version of herself meets her younger self holding a drawing of what she wants to when she grows up (an artist).
This work illustrates growing up and changing as a person, focusing on the complicated phase of life between being a teenager and an adult. Although this was only an animatic, many people related strongly to her passionate project and shared their own experiences and how it affected them.
This is another animation that influenced me greatly in trying out animation and pushing me to go ‘Where no One Has Gone Before’.
#kaykay #kkagistudio1 #kkrelatedwork